Friday, July 5, 2013

What Are Your Blogging Goals?

Whether you are a seasoned blogger or just getting started creating blogging goals helps define the work that needs to get accomplished while seeking out the content of our sites. I often set daily, weekly, monthly and yearly blogging goals to accomplish and often many of them have set deadlines.

What are your daily, weekly, monthly or yearly blogging goals? I'd love to help you fellow bloggers reach your goals!

1 comment:

  1. Setting goals for my blog is something that I'm currently working on doing. One of my main priorities is just to get myself more organized this month. Writing posts in advance instead of waiting until the last minute, for example.

    I would also really like to increase my daily traffic, but thus far I've hit a wall with that it seems so I'll have to figure out a new strategy to hopefully help in that area.
