Friday, June 28, 2013

Facebook Groups For Bloggers

It's taken me YEARS to utilize groups on Facebook. It wasn't until lately that I even knew there were groups out there filled with bloggers supporting one another! Feel free to request to join these groups and if you know of a group that we should join be sure to leave a comment and I'll get it added!

Add any Facebook groups that you deem necessary for other Frugal Bloggers!

Blog & Social Media Boosters - I haven't been active in this group as I just joined, so I don't know much about it!

FB Deals Group - If you are a deal blogger, join this group. This is a FABULOUS group of fellow deal seekers who support one another. I'm glad to be apart of it!

Review Wire Media - If you enjoy Blog Events, Giveaways, Product Reviews you'll want to get in on this group that I co-created with my Sister in Law!

VA's for Hire - Are you a Virtual Assistant? Utilize this group to grow your WAH business!

VA's For Hire - Content/Guest Posts for Sale - If you are like me and create content other bloggers can utilize on their websites consider joining this group. In addition, if you purchase content this one is for you!

Websites for Sale - I created this group after I was trying to sell my website (that I did sell!). Before you list on Flippa try this group out and then let me know if you sold through the group!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Utilize a Media Kit

For many bloggers, old and new alike, a Media Kit seems to be foreign language. It wasn't until I had been blogging for about 2 years that I was even asked for a Media Kit and then I had no idea what the hell it was! So I can began to research "What kind of information is in a Media Kit"?

If you ask around the blogosphere you'll receive different answers, but, at the end of the day you are selling yourself {ok, not literally, but, you know what I mean!} or your brand. You want to think of a Media Kit as a resume for your website. Here's a few questions to ask yourself: Who is your audience, what are your page stats, how many social media outlets you engage on and how many followers to each, in addition any services you may offer.  But for most that's where it ends!

Here's where I beg to differ, create two separate Media Kits. First, keep it simple. In the first Media Kit you want simplicity. You don't want to confuse the poor folks reading it wondering WTH you are talking about. Highlight your numbers and the services you offer, along with where they can find you on social media. This is where most people draw the line, but, that leaves the door open for businesses wondering how much services are and how they can utilize you to take the burden off them. So here is where I am a bit different.

With your second Media Kit go in depth with the details! If you are offering services such as Product Reviews and Giveaways, Sponsored Articles, Blog Sponsorship, Ad Placement, yada yada yada make sure the client knows how you can work for them along with pricing!

Not sure where to start with a Media Kit? Shoot me an email at and I'll create one for you with prices starting at just $30!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bringin' The Old Back

True Story - Happened last summer in my neighborhood!!!

For any veteran blogger they will be the first to say how much good content has gotten lost along the years. If you are having a slow or off day and simply don't have time to publish fresh content go back in time and bring the old back!

Utilize your post scheduler by searching content that has drowned. Schedule your content for the upcoming days, weeks or months ahead. This is especially great for re-creating that content that needs to be published every year. You may need to go in and update the article on some pieces, but, it's totally worth the few minutes of your time!

Are you in need of Original Content? Let Marci Loehner Create a piece for you today. Go ahead and shoot her an email NOW!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Bloggers Giving Consent For Content

Over the past week I've seen a lot of bloggers using others images and content for Round Up type posts. While this is great and all, these bloggers are not be given written approval to use such content. So I wanted to go a step further and have a legit way of receiving such content and making it hit the blogosphere.

If you are a blogger and give Marci Loehner consent to use your image, a short description of your article and link back for the full details I'd love to get you some FREE exposure! All you have to do is sign my Blogging Content Approval Contract and you are good to go!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Celebrating 5 Years of Blogging

My TTgirl saying "HI!"
It was nearly 5 years ago today that I started blogging! I had a free website that has since disappeared to the web (I had no clue what I was doing!). Then I got smart and made a blogger website and launched, Cincinnati Coupons! It was after a few months that I became educated and ever smarter ;) and launched a self hosted website, (that I have since sold)!!!

Every blogger writes for a reason, to be heard! So what is it that you are wanting to shout from the roof tops? Leave me a comment below, I can't wait to hear your response!