Monday, July 8, 2013

How Bloggers Should Pitch to Companies

Now that I have ya all excited pitching to brands let's get right to it, shall we?

It's simple, sell your brand! The company doesn't care about how many blog posts you have, how long you've been blogging for or that your house is a mess {okay, this one they might!}. When you are writing your pitch you are selling your numbers (page views and social media) and how you can benefit the company.

Here's a few questions to answer in your pitch:

- Will you be tweeting/facebooking/etc. while you are reviewing the product?
- Are the companies social media outlets going to be shared with your readers?
- How will you help to increase the companies bottom line?
- Your stats! This is asked ALL the time, so go ahead and include page views and your social media numbers. If you don't think they are good, send it anyways!

You want to keep it short and sweet. The PR team for companies are flooded with pitches everyday. So, if you can, share a quick personal story. "My house is a mess and I need your ORGANIZING PRODUCT to help me clean it up!".

You also want to come across as a professional, I mean you are a professional right?!? When you are sending a pitch be sure to attach a .PDF file of your Media Kit. I can help you create one with prices starting at just $30! If you offer additional services such as advertisement, Sponsorship, etc. you may be able to upsell the company with your Media Kit.

Put on your big girl panties and get to sending out your pitches. You may consider titling your email "Opportunity for XXX Company" or "How XXX Company Can Benefit From WEBSITE NAME". Remember, you are SELLING your brand here people!

Take rejected as a learning experience. Figure out why the company isn't able to work with you and grow from there. I had a handful of rejections for every one company that said YES! The problem most bloggers make is they are willing to work for free...this isn't what you should be doing. Your blog is your business...if you do a Product Review and keep the item expect the company to host a Giveaway with you. If they aren't going to offer a Giveaway, it's not worth your time to promote. Move on to the next one!

I've been working with companies for the past 5 years. Now I get pitches from companies every day and I'm the one who is turning gigs away! You will get there in due time my love, due time...
Let me know how your doing and if you have any additional questions by leaving a comment below!


  1. This article is so helpful and inspiring, Marci! I'm actually feeling a bit excited about pitching to companies now; though, I'm still trying to figure out who to pitch to. I also have to do some editing to my Media Kit before I start pitching to companies.

    Thanks for this article, like I said, it's really inspiring!!

  2. YAY Felicia! Go get 'em girl ;)

    If there's a product you've been wanting to try, a new clothing line your readers would be interested in, etc. just send them a pitch!

  3. I love your tip to take your story, and relate it to THEIR product. That shows that you already have a point of view to come at the post with, and not just a plain review.
